Clean Energy Fuels, Torrance

February 10th, 2015 by Fiedler Group

In order to continue to meet its goals in conjunction with the California Air Resources Board’s mandates for reduced emissions, the City of Torrance Transit System plans to “green” its entire fleet by the end of calendar year 2015 by converting to an all alternative-fueled bus fleet.

The City of Torrance Transit System, in partnership with the City Manager’s Office and the City Yard Manger, retained Clean Energy Fuels to provide the design, permitting and installation of a new CNG (compressed natural gas) fueling facility at the City Yard located at 20500 Madrona Ave., Torrance, California.

Fiedler Group worked closely with Clean Energy Fuels in preparing permit plans for the addition of the CNG fueling which included a new compound area with two IMW single compressors, storage vessels, gas dryer, and both time-fill and fast-fill fueling.

A fast-fill island for public use in fueling light duty vehicles was provided adjacent to Madrona Road.

The Fiedler Group team is ready to assist you with your alternative fuel design needs; please contact us today to get started!