Are You Utilizing State NGV Incentives to Convert Your Vehicle to Natural Gas?

July 15th, 2014 by Fiedler Group

Company fleets nationwide are seeing fuel savings due to the use of natural gas vehicles.

Even more companies are deploying additional natural gas vehicles into their fleet by reducing the vehicle’s conversion costs to the natural gas alternative.

Select states are offering companies incentives to transition to natural gas dependency.

In particular, the California Energy Commission’s Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program offers incentive amounts determined by gross vehicle weight.

The incentives are outlined as follows:

California Natural Gas Vehicle Incentives

Other states — including Colorado, Texas, Oklahoma, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Florida, and Massachusetts — also offer natural gas incentives, among them including tax credits covering 55 percent of the natural gas conversion costs or even 90 percent of the incremental cost to purchase, lease, finance, or repower a vehicle with a qualifying natural gas engine.

To learn more about Fiedler Group’s alternative energy services, please contact us today.