Weights and Measures Recommends CNG/LNG Be Sold As Gasoline and Diesel Gallon Equivalents

April 15th, 2014 by Fiedler Group

A steering committee of the National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM) recently recommended that compressed and liquefied natural gas be sold in terms of gasoline and diesel gallon equivalents instead of pounds or kilograms.

Consideration of the recommendation is timely given the increased interest and growth of both CNG and LNG as viable fuel alternatives.

While consumers are accustomed to buying fuel in gallon units, natural gas alternatives aren’t currently metered the way gasoline and diesel are.

Therefore, under the steering committee’s recommendation, gasoline and diesel gallon equivalents will be established, such as a diesel gallon equivalent being 6.380 pounds of CNG or 6.060 pounds of LNG.

Supporters of the recommendation argue the new approach recognizes the challenges of marketplace conditions and dispenser capabilities, paired with new consumer awareness and interest in comparing alternative fuels with traditional fuels.

The adoption and agreement of uniform standards is important so equipment manufacturers would only have to meet one set of design requirements, and retail partners would be better able to market the product and assist consumers in comparing prices between competing fuels.

The committee’s recommendation will be voted on during the 99th NCWM Meeting in July.